Precarious Ringroad #2 (if you were an animal which animal would you be and why?) is a mixed media event with performative element at the Mobile Box gallery space in Gothenburg Sweden.

Thora mapped her explorations through ring road drawings, texts and photographs and sought to interview people in the street asking the above question searching for why people connect to certain animals over others and prompting if some are favoured over others. The outcome was a social study of how people see themselves in context with animals and mother nature seeking out traits of specific animals and identify with them.
An event based installation at Götaplatsen Square. The Mobile Box Gallery was moved to my preferred location at the square and in it hung images and drawings from Ringroads taken in excursions during summer of 2007. Each Ringroad had been documented with photographs and drawings. On the outside of the Box were statements extracted from video interviews used in an earlier version of Precarious Ringroad. During the event, dressed as a Magpie and handing out leaflets to passers by. The leaflet gave insight into questions about the image and ones connection to nature. Some interesting dialogues occurred with the public where people were willing to explore their own image through that of nature and their perception of nature and how the two affect each other.
Gothenburg Biennial, Gothenburg, August 2007